Welcome to my personal website. Currently I am dedicated to the exploration and research in Knowledge Graphs and Neuro-Symbolic AI. Here, you'll find my research, related projects and contact information.

My current research is focused on Neuro-Simbolic AI solutions and architectures leveraging foundational Semantic Web Technologies and Knowledge Graphs and Embeddings in a wide number of tasks like knowledge exploitation, semantic integration and knowledge base construction for different use cases using heterogeneous data with a keen eye on the technological advancements in real and practical applications.

Always open to collaboration opportunities with fellow researchers, industry professionals, and academic institutions interested in advancing on Knowledge Graphs, Neuro-Symbolic AI, and related research areas. If you share a passion for advancing technology and are interested in collaborative ventures, feel free to reach out.

News, Updates and Notes

Industry Sabbatical at Bosch Research

Date: May 2024

Learn more about my time at the Bosch Research Center in Renningen, Germany, where I worked into the integration of symbolic AI and neural AI (Neuro-Symbolic AI) in Smart Manufacturing Scenarios, I had the opportunity to work with top researchers, participate in EU projects like DataCloud, and explore cutting-edge developments in AI. Check out the full note for more details on my experience

Click here to read the full note

Selected Research and Projects

Wilma Schmidt, Diego Rincon-Yanez, Evgeny Kharlamov, and Adrian Paschke. 2024. Scaling Scientific Knowledge Discovery with Neuro-Symbolic AI and Large Language Models. Submited to First International Workshop on Scaling Knowledge Graphs for Industry co-located with 20th International Conference on Semantic Systems (SEMANTICS), 2024. CEUR-WS, TBD. [BIB], [LINK], [GIT]

Rincon-Yanez, D., Mouakher, A., & Senatore, S. (2023). Enhancing downstream tasks in Knowledge Graphs Embeddings: A Complement Graph-based Approach Applied to Bilateral Trade. Procedia Computer Science, 225, 3692–3700. 10.1016/j.procs.2023.10.364, [BIB], [DOI], [GIT]

Rincon-Yanez, D., Ounoughi, C., Sellami, B., Kalvet, T., Tiits, M., Senatore, S., & Yahia, S. ben. (2023). Accurate prediction of international trade flows: Leveraging knowledge graphs and their embeddings. Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences, 35(10), 101789. 10.1016/j.jksuci.2023.101789, [BIB], [DOI].

Rincon-Yanez, D., & Senatore, S. (2022). FAIR Knowledge Graph construction from text, an approach applied to fictional novels. Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Knowledge Graph Generation From Text and the 1st International Workshop on Modular Knowledge Co-Located with 19th Extended Semantic Conference (ESWC 2022), 94–108. http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3184/TEXT2KG_Paper_7.pdf. [BIB], [URL], [GIT]

Diego, Rincon-Yanez

Applied Computer Science Researcher

Currently focused in Knowledge Graphs and Neuro-Symbolic AI
